What Law Firms Can Learn From Amazon: Client Intake Automation

law firm marketing Dec 21, 2020

I was working with the team on onboarding a new law firm and quickly realized that no matter how great a job we did, our campaign was going to fail. 

Why? The law firm’s process of scheduling calls and vetting new clients was cumbersome, required physical paperwork, and was reliant on too many people. 

In working with eCommerce clients, we know that the speed of purchase is key. We live in a culture of one-click buttons that do everything from making a purchase, scheduling appointments, and signing up for events. Amazon has set the pace.  

No matter how much networking or many search ads, social media posts, email marketing pieces a law firm does, they’re going to miss out on business opportunities if they don’t automate the scheduling and vetting process.  

After the initial call, I tasked our INGAGE team with developing a new process for vetting prospective clients for digital marketing services and onboarding them.  

Here’s how we build automation into law firms: 

Our Approach to Evaluating Your Process

Before taking on a new client, we take the time to evaluate the intake process to see where there are gaps and how we can help. Some of the first things we look at are:

  • How does a prospective client schedule a call?
  • Who do they speak with?
  • How easy is it for them to get in touch with you?

The first interaction is usually scheduling that initial call. This piece is critical because it sets the tone for the entire client-firm relationship and impacts their first impression of the attorneys. One misstep here and the client could be lost forever. 

How We Automate the Scheduling Process

1. Set up an online calendar tool. 

There are numerous cloud-based calendaring tools available for free or a nominal fee.  Our favorites are Calendly and Accuity.  Setting up and synching these accounts with the attorney or the receptionist’s calendar is a simple process.  Note: Be sure to choose availability times so you’re not stuck on calls all day.  

2. Add in forms

Depending on the cloud-based calendaring system you chose, you will be able to add forms with qualifying questions. Review the questions you use to evaluate your prospects and see which ones can be added to the scheduling process.  Keep in mind, these questions should take the respondent no longer than five minutes to complete.

3. Tweak the automated emails. 

 Most scheduling tools will have built-in automated emails. These messages will be delivered to prospects when they schedule a call, 24 hours in advance, and sometimes after the call. Consider adding in an additional email hour ahead of the call as a reminder and be sure to add your law firm’s logo and brand messaging.  

4. Link it all together.

Let prospective clients know that they can now easily schedule a call. Add a page to your website with the embedded online scheduler and link to it from your homepage, contact page, throughout your practice area pages, in blog posts, etc.  Consider changing your social media links, adding a link in your email marketing, and anywhere else you do outreach. 

We also encourage you to add a follow-up series of emails after the initial call. These emails should remind your prospects about your firm’s differentiators, share client testimonials boosting your credibility and urge them to sign up to become a client.

INGAGE BIZ has worked hard putting together this smooth automated process that works for law firms, so attorneys can concentrate on what’s important. 

Want to learn more or have us handle the automation process for you?
Schedule a call 


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