Why Public Relations Services Should Be Part of Your Law Firm’s Marketing Plan

Is legal expertise and experience all you need to grow your practice? In today's competitive market, that is simply not enough. According to the 2021 American Bar Association’s National Lawyer Population Survey, there are approximately 1.34 million licensed lawyers in the United States.

For a law firm to stand out from the crowd and attract high-quality clients, you need a comprehensive marketing plan that includes public relations (PR) services. 

Here are some compelling reasons why public relations should be an essential part of your legal marketing strategy:


  1.   Establish Yourself as a Legal and Practice Area Thought Leader

By leveraging PR, you can position yourself as a thought leader in your practice area. With expertly crafted pitches and press releases, you can secure media coverage and speaking opportunities that showcase your legal expertise. This not only builds credibility and authority in the eyes of potential clients but also sets you apart from other attorneys in your field.

  1.   Build a Strong Reputation

Your reputation is everything as an attorney. One negative review or bad press coverage can harm your practice's credibility and turn away potential clients. PR can help you maintain and enhance your reputation by highlighting your successes, showcasing your legal expertise, and position you as a trustworthy and reliable resource for your clients.

  1.   Increase Your Visibility

PR services can also help you increase your visibility and reach new audiences. Through media coverage, speaking opportunities, and other PR strategies, you can get your name out there and establish yourself as a leading attorney in your field. This increased visibility can lead to new business opportunities and help you stand out from the competition.

  1.   Attract High-Quality Clients

PR can also help you attract high-quality clients who are looking for an experienced and knowledgeable attorney. By positioning yourself as a thought leader and building a strong reputation, you can attract clients who are willing to pay a premium for your services. This not only increases your revenue but also enhances your practice's credibility and reputation.

  1.   Crisis Management

No matter how well-run your practice is, there may come a time when you are faced with a crisis. PR services can help you manage a crisis effectively by crafting an appropriate message and communicating openly and transparently with your clients and the public. This can help mitigate any damage to your reputation and protect your practice over the long term.

In conclusion, PR services are an essential component of a comprehensive marketing plan for attorneys. By establishing yourself as a thought leader, building a strong reputation,

Some attorneys hesitate to jump into legal public relations because they don’t like to speak on camera or don’t enjoy writing. The benefit of having a seasoned media relations individual is that they will source the right opportunities that really leverage your skills. Finally, if you’re considering public relations but are reluctant because of the time involved. I assure you there are ways to limit the time spent by still reaping the rewards. 


About the Author

Katherine Doble is the president and founder of INGAGE. Since founding the firm in 2011, Katherine has developed award-winning social media and online campaigns for all sizes of organizations, from top Fortune 500 companies to privately-owned businesses. 


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