AI-Generated Blogs: Can they hurt your business?

Let’s talk blogs – they support your business in a myriad of ways, but could you be hurting your company by posting blogs on your website? Believe it or not, depending on how your blogs are written, you could be causing a great deal of harm to your brand. Before we cause any heart attacks, blogs are an extremely beneficial tool in improving SEO, boosting traffic, and generating leads–your blog is a window into your brand and your expertise.

So what do we mean when we say that blogs can hurt your business? With the increased use of artificial intelligence, more and more businesses are turning to AI platforms to not only write marketing content but to put together entire blog posts that are then shared on company websites. While there may not have been concerns as of yet, there are many considerations that businesses must take into account when relying solely on AI to craft content that speaks to their audiences. 


What are some of the concerns when it...

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Optimizing Your LinkedIn Profile for Maximum Impact

In today's digital world, having an optimized LinkedIn profile is crucial for both professionals and businesses. At INGAGE Biz, we specialize in helping high-level business communities—like law, finance, government, IT, and higher education—enhance their online presence. We believe that a well-crafted LinkedIn profile is a key step toward professional success. In this blog, we'll share strategies to make your LinkedIn profile stand out and achieve results.

  1. Craft a Compelling Headline: Your headline is the first thing visitors see. It should go beyond your job title to showcase your expertise and skills. For example, instead of just "Marketing Manager," try "Digital Marketing Strategist | ROI-Driven Campaigns | Expert in Law and Finance."
  2. Choose a Professional Profile Photo: Your photo is your first impression, so make it count. Use a high-quality headshot with good lighting and a neutral background. Dress appropriately for your industry and smile to appear approachable....
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The Strategic Imperative: Why Leaders Need Media Training Beyond Interviews

 In the dynamic landscape of corporate and non-profit leadership, effective communication is paramount. Leaders who can articulate their vision, values, and key messages with clarity and confidence are more likely to inspire trust, engage stakeholders, and enhance their organization's reputation. While media training is commonly associated with preparing for interviews with journalists, its benefits extend far beyond those interactions. In this blog post, we will explore why leaders of large corporations and non-profits should prioritize media training and delve into the comprehensive aspects it covers.


The Strategic Importance of Media Training

  1. Crisis Management and Reputation Protection:

Media training equips leaders with the skills to navigate challenging situations, especially during crises. A prime example is the case of Dave Calhoun, CEO of Boeing, who is currently on a media tour effectively addressing concerns, providing reassurance, and protecting the...

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The Psychology of Social Media: Balancing Business and Personal Content

 Social media has become an indispensable tool for marketing businesses. It allows for connecting with target audiences, showcasing work, and building brand awareness. However, the psychology of social media goes beyond business promotions. It's about understanding human behavior and the need for a delicate balance between business-focused and personal content. 

In this blog post, INGAGE’s marketing team will delve into the psychology behind social media and why every post shouldn't be solely business-oriented.


Understanding the Social Media Landscape

Before we explore the psychology behind social media content, let's take a quick look at the landscape of social media. Platforms like Facebook, Instagram, X (formerly Twitter), and LinkedIn have billions of active users. Each of these users engages with content on a daily basis, and their motivations for doing so are diverse. Some seek entertainment, others crave information, and many desire connection and...

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Marketing In the AI Era: Why The Need For Human Creativity Will Always Prevail

Marketing In the AI Era: Why The Need For Human Creativity Will Always Prevail

In an era dominated by technological advancements, there is an increasing concern that artificial intelligence (AI) might eventually make us perceive human creativity as an “unnecessary skill.” In addition to this, some individuals already perceive creativity as inconsequential and irrelevant – especially in the scientific, legal, and financial fields. In marketing, this can be recognized in the way some marketing companies limit their strategies to a strictly analytical and conservative approach. 

What people seem to forget is that a straightforward AI-generated pitch would never suffice to capture the attention and loyalty of consumers. In an era of constant digital noise, technological development, and ever-evolving consumer preferences, creativity has actually become more important than ever before since it plays a pivotal role in breaking through the clutter and establishing a...

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How Frequent is Too Frequent to Post on Social Media?

A Deep Dive into Post Frequency and How it Impacts Your Business

In today's digital age, social media has become an indispensable tool for businesses to engage with customers, promote their products or services, and generate leads. However, finding the perfect balance in posting frequency is essential for maintaining a strong online presence without overwhelming your followers. It can be tempting to treat social media with a waterfall effect, posting in a stream of consciousness; however, posting too much can have a negative impact on your business. 


Understanding Post Frequency

Post frequency refers to the number of times a business (you!) shares content on its social media channels within a given period, usually a day or a week. Depending on the platform, this includes posts with images, videos, links, or just text. The frequency of these posts plays a role in your marketing strategy, so it is key to find the sweet spot that garners the most engagement and potential...

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Attracting the Right Clients & SEO Optimization


I am Kyle Ean Haggerty, Director of Business Development with Ingage Digital Marketing and Public Relations, welcome to your MARKETING MOMENT. 

Recently, I was in Orlando, Florida, teaching a workshop on Marketing and Public Relations and one of the business owners asked me a question that inspired me to make this video. 

She stated and asked: "There are times when barely anyone visits my website, and then there are times when I have many visitors go to my website, but the potential clients are different from what I am looking for. Please tell me what to do. 

Many business owners can relate to this, so I am giving you a quick checklist to consider when trying to raise the number of views on your website and attract more customers and the right clientele. 


If the number of visitors to your website is low, add keywords that describe the nature of your business, products, and services. If you have already done that, then add words that are similar in...

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United Way Business Breakfast

It was an honor to be invited to speak amongst my fellow panelists and small business owners at the United Way Business breakfast. We had the opportunity to discuss the challenges and changes in the post-pandemic workplace. We heard from industry experts: Chris Collie of Engaged Talent Solutions and Goldman Sachs 10,000 Small Businesses Program at Miami Dade College; and R. Edward Rosenberg, Esq of Sorondo Rosenberg Legal PA. Moderated by Pamela Fuertes, of Goldman Sachs 10,000 Small Businesses Program at Miami Dade College, together we discussed the different challenges and opportunities workplaces are facing as we begin to transition through and out of this pandemic. The conversation was an important one, now more than ever we as business owners need to take a moment and reflect on what is working in our businesses and what we can improve upon. In order to continue to succeed it takes navigating an ever-changing environment and paying attention to the little things. Lastly, I...

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