How to Share Social Media Posts from Any Platform

Yay! We're excited you want to share. 

Before you start, please be sure you are logged in to your personal social media account you want to share from. 

How to share on Facebook

  1. Click Share on the post you want to share. 
  2.  Click the dropdown menu at the top to select where you want to share the Page (example: your timeline, a Page you manage).
  3.  Write an optional update or message.
  4. Click Post or Send.


How to share on Twitter

Hover over the Tweet you'd like to share:

  1. Click the Retweet button
  2. A pop-up will show you the Tweet you're about to Retweet.
  3. Click the Retweet button.

The Tweet will then be shared with all of your followers as a Retweet.


How to share on LinkedIn

To share a post on LinkedIn: 

  1. Find the post you want to share. If you are an admin of the account, make sure that you are on your personal LinkedIn. 
  2. Click ‘Share
  3. Write your own personal comment if needed, and share your post

How to...

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Standing Out in a Crowded Field, Why Law Firms Need to Embrace Online Campaigns

law firm marketing Dec 21, 2020

Competition is fierce among law firms, and you need to set yourself apart to be seen and heard. The best way to do that is through online campaigns. Modern technology has drastically changed the way people access goods and services. It has also revolutionized how we market our wares. If you do not embrace this technology now, you will be left behind, and your bottom line will suffer. The answer is clear; your law firm needs to embrace online campaigns to succeed in this digital age. 

Why Online Campaigns?

If you haven’t yet decided to jump on board with online marketing, here are a few reasons you might want to consider it:

  1. Online campaigns drastically improve the quality of communication between you and your clients. You meet them where they live, on social media, and by email.
  2. You can customize your message and target a specific audience or demographic to showcase your services for those who need what you offer.
  3. If you want to reach a wider audience, this is how to do...
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Is Your Law Firm Ready for an Online Marketing Campaign?

law firm marketing Dec 21, 2020

Your law firm is a business, and like many firms, you may have relied on traditional forms of advertising and avoided the digital space. However, this modern age of technology has changed the landscape and demands a fertile online presence. To stay relevant and keep up with your competitors, you need an online marketing campaign. 

Brace yourself, though; an online marketing campaign will change things in a very positive way. Are you ready?

Why an Online Marketing Campaign?

The goal of any digital marketing plan is to reach an audience, inform them about your services, and invite them to join you in the conversation. You want to connect with them to cultivate a relationship before they ever call you for help. 

Most firms don’t have the time or resources to handle digital marketing in-house, so they outsource to a company like ours that knows the ropes and how to achieve your goals the fastest way possible. 

The Benefits of Online Marketing

The benefits of digital...

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Marketing Lessons: Be More Like Hamilton and Less Like Burr

Uncategorized Dec 21, 2020

Like most of you, Hamilton was on repeat in our house a few weeks ago. Every member of the household was humming some Hamilton tune at one point.  While the Disney Plus release ignited a new spark in old fans and created an army of new ones, this fan realized that there are a number of marketing lessons we can learn from Hamilton.  

Yes, social media, email marketing, and digital ads didn’t exist in the 1700s but the basics of communication and negotiation still ring true today. 

Here are the five lessons from Lin Manuel Miranda’s Hamilton you should apply to your businesses’ marketing campaign: 

Don’t wait for it. 

I meet a lot of business owners who tell me they aren’t ready for marketing yet or they still have to figure out a list of items before they can focus on marketing. Similar to so many things in life, chances are that if you wait, you’re going to get passed by.  Either the market or your competition is...

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What Law Firms Can Learn From Amazon: Client Intake Automation

law firm marketing Dec 21, 2020

I was working with the team on onboarding a new law firm and quickly realized that no matter how great a job we did, our campaign was going to fail. 

Why? The law firm’s process of scheduling calls and vetting new clients was cumbersome, required physical paperwork, and was reliant on too many people. 

In working with eCommerce clients, we know that the speed of purchase is key. We live in a culture of one-click buttons that do everything from making a purchase, scheduling appointments, and signing up for events. Amazon has set the pace.  

No matter how much networking or many search ads, social media posts, email marketing pieces a law firm does, they’re going to miss out on business opportunities if they don’t automate the scheduling and vetting process.  

After the initial call, I tasked our INGAGE team with developing a new process for vetting prospective clients for digital marketing services and onboarding them.  


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Webinar by the Financial Planners Association of Miami (FPA) - Oscar Rosenberg

Uncategorized Dec 21, 2020

I worked in the financial industry for 15 years and saw the lack of diversity and inclusivity first hand. In my role as Business Development Manager at INGAGE Biz, I have a unique perspective on the leadership of many companies and how communication reflects the beliefs of those corporations.  

On Friday, June 12th, I joined Goldman Sachs Personal Financial Management Consumer and Investment Management Division’s Vice President Trudy R. Turner, Presenceology’s brand and personal image strategist Mila Yoli da Cruz, and Modern Money Advisor’s President Angela Moore for a discussion on how to create spaces and manage conversations with colleagues and clients.  The panel was hosted by the Financial Planners Association of Miami. 

It was a difficult but important conversation. Only one-third of financial planners in the United States are women. And the numbers are even lower for minorities. A 2018 study by the CFP Board Center for...

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You Should Be Tracking These Instagram Metrics!

instagram social media Dec 21, 2020

Part of any good social media marketing strategy includes keeping tabs on where you stand, and Instagram’s Insights feature makes this job that much easier. However, sifting through the data is not always easy or intuitive. Let’s take the complexity out of it by focusing on these top Instagram metrics you should be tracking.

1 - Saves

With Instagram’s decision to try hiding likes, saves, is the new metric to watch. By tapping the bookmark button in the bottom right, users can save a post to review later. Saving indicates a keen interest in the content. Knowing what posts earned a “save” will help you drive your content strategy. To generate even more attention, you can remind followers to save your post in the caption. 

2 - Reach

Reach is another critical metric you should be tracking. With social media platforms changing the rules all the time, reach is a constant that will help you gauge how many people you are reaching. Reach refers to the...

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Tips for Working from Home! Staying Proactive and Productive from a Business Perspective

Uncategorized Dec 21, 2020

During this difficult time, a lot of companies have asked professionals to work from home, and this has created some challenges. For teams that rely on connecting at a physical workplace, suddenly being thrust into a remote atmosphere can seem daunting. The tips below should help make this transition a bit easier for you and your team.

1 - Use the Best Tech Platforms to Connect

There are many great collaboration platforms that can help ease you into remote work. Some of the most widely used and productive tools are:

Slack - for team collaboration, text messaging, updates, and calls. With Slack, you can keep the emails to a minimum and everything in one place for transparency. Use channels to separate projects and keep things organized.

Zoom - for video conferencing. 

Asana - for project management and team collaboration. Asana is great for assigning tasks, assessing where things stand, watching timelines, and keeping everyone on track. 

Google Docs - to...

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Guide for Instagram Stories for Businesses

instagram social media Dec 21, 2020

Did you know that Instagram Stories are a fantastic way to connect with your audience and keep them interested? Not only that, but Instagram Stories can help boost sales and improve brand awareness.

Here is a quick guide to get you started using Instagram Stories for your business.

What Are Instagram Stories?

Launched in 2016, Stories have become a major factor in Instagram’s popularity, overtaking post feeds by a lot. The platform enjoys more than 500 million users per day, making Stories a great way to connect with an existing audience and to grow an even larger one. Stories are essentially slides and videos that expire after 24 hours. 

Boosting Engagement with Instagram Stories Stickers and Live

As Instagram has evolved, the developers have added new features to Stories to make it easier to start conversations, get live feedback and gauge reactions while promoting your brand, and sharing ideas in a fun, authentic way.

Stickers & One-Click Polls

Instagram Stories...

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Indicate Temporary Changes to Your Business Hours & Services on Your Facebook Page

facebook social media Dec 21, 2020

In response to the Coronavirus pandemic, Facebook has added a new feature to help businesses communicate with their customers about changes in the delivery of services, hours, or availability.

Businesses with temporary changes such as restaurants that cannot serve food in-house can use this feature to let their customers know they are still open for takeout or delivery. Other companies who have changed their services to online options can also broadcast the message on their Facebook page with this new setting.

How to Set Up Temporary Changes to Hours or Services
To make the change on your business Facebook page, go to Page Settings > Page Info > Hours and select “Temporary Service Changes.” You can then choose “Temporarily Closed” or select “Open with Service Changes.” With this selection, you can choose options such as:

  • Online Services.
  • Delivery.
  • Pickup.
  • Other Changes.

    Those businesses that use Other Changes can post things such as special...
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